
Personal budget software for the rest of us



How you install Buddi will depend on what operating system you are running. Each of the major ones are listed below:

For all operating systems, Java SE version 5 or higher is required. This is a separate download, which can be obtained from the Java Website if you don't already have it.

Macintosh OS X

As with most other Macintosh programs, installing Buddi is very simple. Just download the Buddi-<version>.dmg file, and double click it. When the disk image opens, drag Buddi to your Applications folder (or any other location as desired). You can now unmount and delete the disk image.

Windows XP, Vista, etc.

Buddi will run on all modern versions of Windows, as long as you have a Java virtual machine installed. If you do not already have Java installer, you can download a current version of Java for free.

To install, simply double click on the Buddi-<version>-installer.zip file, and run the Setup.exe program inside. If you are unsure of how to do this (especially for those running Windows 7), please visit step-by-step installation instructions for Windows 7. This installer will copy Buddi program and support files to your hard drive, set up a link on the Start menu, and associate Buddi files with Buddi. When you are finished, you can launch Buddi from the Start menu.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to not use an installer (or if you want to run from a USB keychain, using the --usb command line option), you can run the standalone version. Note that you still need a JVM on the host machine.

Debian or Ubuntu Linux

On Debian / Ubuntu, I have created a specal installer pakage which puts Buddi in the applications menu under the Office applications. To use this, simply download the Debian package from the web site. You can then either open it with the GDebi Package Installer, or run from the console 'dpkg -i Buddi-version.deb', where 'version' is the version number of the file.

Generic Unix or Linux

This package contains a Bash launch script and the actual Buddi Jar file. You must manually copy these two files to a location of your choice (/usr/bin is recommended), and modify the launch script to point to the correct location.


I also include a generic Java Jar package of Buddi. Most people will not want to use this packageas it does not contain anything to integrate the program with your operating system. If you desire to run this, most operating systems allow you to do so by double clicking on the Jar file. However, this package is mostly useful for testing purposes, and is not recommended for end users.

Next Step: Creating Accounts